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axuri CNC

ER25 AC 3.5kW CNC Router Motorized HQD Air Cooled Spindle Motor Milling for Metal Cut

In the world of CNC machining, choosing the right spindle motor is crucial for achieving optimal performance and precision.

The ER25 AC 3.5kW CNC Router Motorized HQD Air Cooled Spindle Motor offers exceptional efficiency and versatility, especially for milling metal materials. Designed to handle heavy-duty applications, this spindle motor is ideal for users who need both power and precision in their CNC machining tasks. This article explores the features, benefits, and applications of the CNC Spindle Motor and how it can elevate your metal cutting processes.


Features of the ER25 AC 3.5kW CNC Router Motorized HQD Spindle Motor

The ER25 AC 3.5kW CNC Router Motorized HQD Air Cooled Spindle Motor is a high-performance motor that incorporates advanced technology to ensure efficiency, longevity, and precision. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Powerful 3.5kW Output: This CNC Spindle Motor 3kW 100mm X 251mm motor is designed for demanding applications, delivering the power required for cutting and milling metal with ease.

  2. Air-Cooled Design: Unlike traditional water-cooled spindles, this motorized spindle features an aer răcit system, reducing the need for additional cooling systems, making it more cost-effective and easier to maintain.

  3. HQD Spindle Motor Technology: With HQD Spindle Motor technology, the spindle ensures smooth operation and high precision during machining, making it an ideal choice for both amateur and professional CNC machinists.

  4. Versatile Milling Applications: Whether you are milling aluminum, steel, or other metals, the spindle CNC motor offers reliable and high-quality results across a variety of materials.

  5. Spindle Motor Kit: This system comes complete with all necessary components, ensuring easy installation and immediate functionality for CNC users.

Benefits of the ER25 AC 3.5kW Motorized Spindle for Metal Cutting

The spindle motor for metal cut offers several advantages over traditional spindles:

  1. Enhanced Cutting Performance: With a robust AC spindle motor milling system, you can expect high-speed and high-torque performance. This results in cleaner cuts, faster processing, and improved overall productivity.

  2. Cost Efficiency: As an air-cooled CNC spindle motor, there are no ongoing costs associated with water-cooling systems. This feature significantly reduces maintenance and operational expenses.

  3. Long-Term Durability: Designed for heavy-duty use, the motorized spindle is built to withstand the demands of industrial CNC applications, ensuring a longer lifespan and reducing the need for frequent replacements.

  4. Precizie îmbunătățită: The Motor cu ax CNC is engineered to minimize vibration and noise, ensuring your metal milling processes achieve high precision and smooth finishes on various metal surfaces.

  5. Flexible Compatibility: Whether you are using it for CNC router applications or other milling tasks, the ER25 CNC motorized spindle is compatible with a wide range of CNC machines, making it an excellent choice for diverse machining operations.

Applications of the ER25 AC 3.5kW CNC Motorized Spindle

The ER25 CNC Spindle Motor is suitable for a wide range of metalworking applications, including:

  • Frezarea metalelor: The motor’s high power output and stable performance make it perfect for precision milling of hard metals such as steel and aluminum.
  • Metal Cutting: Whether you are performing intricate cuts or rough cuts, the motorized spindle ensures efficient performance for various metal materials.
  • Drilling and Marking: In addition to milling, the spindle CNC motor can be used for drilling and marking, providing flexibility and multi-functionality in one system.
  • Gravare: For applications requiring fine detail, this motor is an excellent choice for precise engraving on metal surfaces.


The ER25 AC 3.5kW CNC Router Motorized HQD Air Cooled Spindle Motor is an ideal solution for CNC users looking for a powerful, reliable, and cost-effective spindle motor for metal cutting applications. With its impressive features, such as high power output, air cooling, and advanced HQD technology, this spindle motor kit offers everything you need to achieve high-quality results in metal milling, drilling, and engraving. Whether you’re looking to improve efficiency or enhance precision, this motorized spindle is a valuable addition to any CNC setup.

Upgrade your CNC machine with the HQD spindle motor and experience superior performance that meets the demands of modern industrial metalworking.


Motor cu ax cnc racit cu apa de 1,2kw Motor ax de răcire cu apă de 1,2 kW Seturi de motor cu ax cnc de 1,5 kW Axuri de răcire cu apă cu cuplu constant de 1,5 kW 2.2KW 220V motor ax ER20 racit cu apa 24000rpm 4 rulmenti Motor ax de 2,2kw pentru tăierea pietrei de marmură 2.2kw piatra racit cu apa ax Motor cu ax racit cu apa 3,2kw er20 cnc Motor cu ax cnc de 3,2 kW răcit cu apă 3.2kw ax răcit cu apă Motor ax de răcire de 3kw răcit cu apă Motor ax racit cu apa de 3kw Motor ax de 4,5kw Fusoare cnc din piatră de 4,5kw pentru gravare Motor cu ax cnc de 4,5kw cu gravură în piatră răcit cu apă Motor cu ax cnc racit cu apa de 4,5 kW Motor ax răcit cu apă de 5,5 kW axuri cnc de 7,5kw Ax de frezat metal cnc de 7,5kw răcit cu apă Ax de răcire cu apă din metal de 7,5 kW Motor ax de răcire cu apă de 7,5 kW Motor ax de 300w racit cu apa 800w er11 mașină de frezat cnc ax răcit cu apă axuri cnc racite cu aer cnc 3.2kw er20 ax răcit cu apă ax cnc 1.2kw er11 ax racit cu aer ax cnc 4kw ax racit cu apa Motor CNC cu ax 110V 2.2KW 2200W Motor silențios răcit cu apă 80mm 4 rulmenți motor cu ax cnc kituri de ax cnc motor fuse cnc cnc motor ax racit cu apa frezare metal 4kw HQD 3.2KW prelucrarea pietrei CNC axuri de răcire cu apă HQD CNC ax de răcire cu apă 3.2KW prelucrare pietre Frezarea metalelor 3.2kw ax răcit cu apă cuplu constant mini fusuri cnc racite cu apa motor ax nc racit cu apa 2.2kw motor ax 300w ax racit cu apa motor ax de răcire cu apă din piatră axuri cnc racite cu apa de 1,5kw ax racit cu apa 4.5kw ax racit cu apa 5.5kw er25 ax racit cu apa 3..2kw 3200w ax răcit cu apă 3.2kw Ax de racire cu apa 4kw motor de ax cnc en-gros 5.5kw

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