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axuri CNC

HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 Water Cooled ATC Spindle Motor for CNC Routers

In the world of CNC machining, choosing the right spindle motor can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of your operations.

The HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 is a high-performance water-cooled ATC spindle motor, specifically designed for use in CNC routers. Offering a combination of power, precision, and reliability, this spindle motor is ideal for a wide range of industrial applications, including woodworking, engraving, and metalworking.


Key Features of the HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 Spindle Motor

The HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 is engineered to provide exceptional performance at a high speed of 18,000 RPM and with 5.5KW of power, making it perfect for demanding tasks. Here’s a look at some of the key specifications:

  • Putere: 5.5KW for robust performance
  • Viteză: 18,000 RPM, ensuring high cutting efficiency
  • Actual: 11A, suitable for consistent power delivery
  • Voltaj: 380V for reliable operation
  • Water Cooled: Ensures temperature stability during continuous operations, extending the motor’s life
  • Schimbător automat de scule (ATC): Provides seamless tool changes, enhancing productivity and reducing downtime

This spindle motor is designed for BT30 CNC machines, offering compatibility with a wide variety of CNC routers. Whether you are working with wood, metal, or other materials, the HQD GDL120-30-18Z spindle motor ensures precision and long-lasting durability.

Advantages of Water Cooled Spindle Motors for CNC Routers

Motoare ax răcite cu apă like the HQD GDL120-30-18Z provide significant advantages over air-cooled versions. The sistem de racire cu apa helps to dissipate heat more effectively, ensuring that the motor remains at optimal operating temperatures during prolonged use. This results in enhanced performance, reduced thermal expansion, and longer tool life, especially in high-speed operations.

Beneficii of Water Cooled Spindles:

  • Superior cooling for continuous, high-speed operation
  • Improved performance with stable speeds and precision
  •  Longer lifespan due to efficient heat dissipation

Why Choose the HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 Spindle Motor?

The HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 spindle motor is ideal for CNC router applications that demand high precision, speed, and reliability. With 18,000 RPM and the 5.5KW power, it can handle a variety of materials with ease, ensuring smooth, clean cuts every time. The ATC system reduces manual tool changes, making it an excellent choice for industrial operations where efficiency is key.

Conclusion: Boost Your CNC Operations with the HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 Spindle Motor

În concluzie, cel HQD GDL120-30-18Z-5.5KW/4 BT30 water cooled ATC spindle motor offers superior performance, durability, and efficiency for CNC routers. Whether you’re working on woodworking, metal cutting, or other precision tasks, this spindle motor delivers outstanding results. Its sistem de racire cu apa ensures reliability during high-speed operations, while the ATC feature streamlines workflow by minimizing tool changes.


Motor cu ax cnc racit cu apa de 1,2kw Motor ax de răcire cu apă de 1,2 kW Seturi de motor cu ax cnc de 1,5 kW Axuri de răcire cu apă cu cuplu constant de 1,5 kW 2.2KW 220V motor ax ER20 racit cu apa 24000rpm 4 rulmenti Motor ax de 2,2kw pentru tăierea pietrei de marmură 2.2kw piatra racit cu apa ax Motor cu ax racit cu apa 3,2kw er20 cnc Motor cu ax cnc de 3,2 kW răcit cu apă 3.2kw ax răcit cu apă Motor ax de răcire de 3kw răcit cu apă Motor ax racit cu apa de 3kw Motor ax de 4,5kw Fusoare cnc din piatră de 4,5kw pentru gravare Motor cu ax cnc de 4,5kw cu gravură în piatră răcit cu apă Motor cu ax cnc racit cu apa de 4,5 kW Motor ax răcit cu apă de 5,5 kW axuri cnc de 7,5kw Ax de frezat metal cnc de 7,5kw răcit cu apă Ax de răcire cu apă din metal de 7,5 kW Motor ax de răcire cu apă de 7,5 kW Motor ax de 300w racit cu apa 800w er11 mașină de frezat cnc ax răcit cu apă axuri cnc racite cu aer cnc 3.2kw er20 ax răcit cu apă ax cnc 1.2kw er11 ax racit cu aer ax cnc 4kw ax racit cu apa Motor CNC cu ax 110V 2.2KW 2200W Motor silențios răcit cu apă 80mm 4 rulmenți motor cu ax cnc kituri de ax cnc motor fuse cnc cnc motor ax racit cu apa frezare metal 4kw HQD 3.2KW prelucrarea pietrei CNC axuri de răcire cu apă HQD CNC ax de răcire cu apă 3.2KW prelucrare pietre Frezarea metalelor 3.2kw ax răcit cu apă cuplu constant mini fusuri cnc racite cu apa motor ax nc racit cu apa 2.2kw motor ax 300w ax racit cu apa motor ax de răcire cu apă din piatră axuri cnc racite cu apa de 1,5kw ax racit cu apa 4.5kw ax racit cu apa 5.5kw er25 ax racit cu apa 3..2kw 3200w ax răcit cu apă 3.2kw Ax de racire cu apa 4kw motor de ax cnc en-gros 5.5kw

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